72 research outputs found

    Computational Analysis and Generation of Slogans

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    I reklam anvĂ€nds sloganer för att förbĂ€ttra Ă„terkallandet av den annonserade produkten av konsumenter och skilja den frĂ„n andra pĂ„ marknaden. Att skapa effektiva slagord Ă€r en resurskrĂ€vande uppgift för mĂ€nniskor. I denna avhandling beskriver vi en ny metod för att automatiskt generera sloganer, med tanke pĂ„ ett mĂ„lkoncept (t ex bil) och en adjektivsegenskap för att uttrycka (t ex elegant) som input. Dessutom föreslĂ„r vi en metod för att generera nominella metaforer med hjĂ€lp av en metafor-tolkningsmodell för att möjliggöra generering av metaforiska slagord. Metoden för att generera sloganer extraherar skelett frĂ„n befintliga sloganer, sĂ„ fyller det ett skelett med lĂ€mpliga ord genom att anvĂ€nda flera sprĂ„kliga resurser (som ett förvar av grammatiska och semantiska relationer och sprĂ„kmodeller) och genetiska algoritmer samtidigt som man optimerar flera mĂ„l sĂ„som semantiska relateradhet, sprĂ„kkorrigering och anvĂ€ndning av retoriska enheter. Vi utvĂ€rderar metaforen och slogangenereringsmetoderna med hjĂ€lp av en tĂ€nktalkoplattform. PĂ„ en 5-punkts Likert-skala ber vi online-domare att bedöma de genererade metaforerna tillsammans med tre andra metaforer som genererades med andra metoder och visa hur bra de kommunicerar den eftersökta betydelsen. Slogangenereringsmetoden utvĂ€rderas genom att be crowdsourced-domare att bedöma genererade sloganer frĂ„n fem perspektiv, vilka Ă€r 1) hur bra Ă€r sloganet relaterat till Ă€mnet, 2) hur korrekt Ă€r sloganets sprĂ„k, 3) hur metaforiskt Ă€r sloganet, 4) hur engagerande, attraktivt och minnesvĂ€rt Ă€r det och 5) hur bra Ă€r sloganet överlag. Dessa frĂ„gor Ă€r utvalda för att undersöka effekterna av relateradhet till produkten och den markerade egenskapen, anvĂ€ndningen av retoriska anordningar och sprĂ„kets korrekthet pĂ„ den övergripande uppskattningen av slogan. PĂ„ samma sĂ€tt utvĂ€rderar vi befintliga sloganer som har skapats av Ă€kta mĂ€nniskor. Baserat pĂ„ utvĂ€rderingarna analyserar vi metoden som helhet tillsammans med de enskilda optimeringsfunktionerna och ger insikter om befintliga sloganer. Resultaten frĂ„n vĂ„ra utvĂ€rderingar visar att vĂ„r metaforgeneringsmetod kan producera lĂ€mpliga metaforer. För slogangenereraren bevisar resultaten att metoden har varit framgĂ„ngsrik i att producera minst en effektiv slogan för varje utvĂ€rderad input. ÄndĂ„ finns det utrymme för att förbĂ€ttra metoden, som diskuteras i slutet av avhandlingen

    A Master-Apprentice Approach to Automatic Creation of Culturally Satirical Movie Titles

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    Human Evaluation of Creative NLG Systems : An Interdisciplinary Survey on Recent Papers

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    We survey human evaluation in papers presenting work on creative natural language generation that have been published in INLG 2020 and ICCC 2020. The most typical human evaluation method is a scaled survey, typically on a 5 point scale, while many other less common methods exist. The most commonly evaluated parameters are meaning, syntactic correctness, novelty, relevance and emotional value, among many others. Our guidelines for future evaluation include clearly defining the goal of the generative system, asking questions as concrete as possible, testing the evaluation setup, using multiple different evaluation setups, reporting the entire evaluation process and potential biases clearly, and finally analyzing the evaluation results in a more profound way than merely reporting the most typical statistics.Peer reviewe

    The Great Misalignment Problem in Human Evaluation of NLP Methods

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    Emotion Conditioned Creative Dialog Generation

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    ¥Qué maravilla! Multimodal Sarcasm Detection in Spanish : a Dataset and a Baseline

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    Computational Understanding, Generation and Evaluation of Creative Expressions

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    Computational creativity has received a good amount of research interest in generating creative artefacts programmatically. At the same time, research has been conducted in computational aesthetics, which essentially tries to analyse creativity exhibited in art. This thesis aims to unite these two distinct lines of research in the context of natural language generation by building, from models for interpretation and generation, a cohesive whole that can assess its own generations. I present a novel method for interpreting one of the most difficult rhetoric devices in the figurative use of language: metaphors. The method does not rely on hand-annotated data and it is purely data-driven. It obtains the state of the art results and is comparable to the interpretations given by humans. We show how a metaphor interpretation model can be used in generating metaphors and metaphorical expressions. Furthermore, as a creative natural language generation task, we demonstrate assigning creative names to colours using an algorithmic approach that leverages a knowledge base of stereotypical associations for colours. Colour names produced by the approach were favoured by human judges to names given by humans 70% of the time. A genetic algorithm-based method is elaborated for slogan generation. The use of a genetic algorithm makes it possible to model the generation of text while optimising multiple fitness functions, as part of the evolutionary process, to assess the aesthetic quality of the output. Our evaluation indicates that having multiple balanced aesthetics outperforms a single maximised aesthetic. From an interplay of neural networks and the traditional AI approach of genetic algorithms, we present a symbiotic framework. This is called the master-apprentice framework. This makes it possible for the system to produce more diverse output as the neural network can learn from both the genetic algorithm and real people. The master-apprentice framework emphasises a strong theoretical foundation for the creative problem one seeks to solve. From this theoretical foundation, a reasoned evaluation method can be derived. This thesis presents two different evaluation practices based on two different theories on computational creativity. This research is conducted in two distinct practical tasks: pun generation in English and poetry generation in Finnish.Laskennallista luovuutta on tutkittu paljon puhtaan tuottamisen nÀkökulmasta ja saman aikaan tutkimusta on tehty laskennallisen estetiikan saralla. VÀitöskirjani yhdistÀÀ nÀitÀ kahta eri koulukuntaa, sillÀ kehittÀmÀni laskennallisesti luovat jÀrjestelmÀt kÀyttÀvÀt tuottamisessa apuna estetiikkaa; jÀrjestelmÀt siis tulkitsevat teoksiaan samaan aikaan, kun ne niitÀ tuottavat. KÀsittelen vÀitöskirjassani metaforien automaattista tulkintaa, vÀrien nimien tuottamista, sloganien tuottamista sekÀ suomenkielisen runouden tuottamista. Metodeina kÀytÀn perinteistÀ koneoppimisalgoritmia, eli niin kutsuttua geneettistÀ algoritmia, sekÀ neuroverkkoja. Niiden yhdistelmÀÀ nimitÀn mestari ja oppipoika -malliksi, jossa geneettinen algoritmi opettaa neuroverkkoja
